Donations and Fundraising Events
You can make a one off donation or setup a regular contribution by choosing the "DONATE" link below. Payment can be made via Paypal account or with a debit or credit card using this secure payment system.
TotalGiving™ - Donate to Charity
Fundraising Pages
Whether you are taking part in an organised event, organising your own fundraiser or you'd like to setup a page in memory of a loved one, you can follow the "Crowdfunding" link below to get started.
TotalGiving™ - Crowdfunding for Charity UK
(if you need any help in setting up a page, please contact us for assistance - [email protected])
Raising Funds Via Online Shopping
As many of us are becoming increasingly accustomed to shopping online, it's great to know that we can also support charity at the same time with no extra cost to us. Usually it as simple as visiting a specific link or quoting a code and it takes very LITTLE time and adjustment to get used to that, but it can make a BIG difference to the charity you support.
These sites require you to sign up, but then both offer you varying percentage donations on shopping from many different websites. Both also offer a download that reminds you to collect a donation from eligible sites you visit.
Shop Online & Raise Money For Down's Heart Group | Give as you Live Online
If you are looking for energy, broadband, landline, mobile or insurance, Utility Warehouse bundle your chosen elements into one bill, saving you time and money.
Call 0333 777 0777 quoting partner ID B854554 and DHG will earn a small commission on your monthly payments - you save and support us at the same time.
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